
Posts Tagged ‘Joshua’

You are Able Whispers from the Father

You are Able
Whispers from the Father

My Dear Child~

I want you to know that you are able to take on anything.  Yes, ANYTHING! Whether it is a new adventure that leaves you feeling just the slightest bit intimidated or whether it is a long-standing problem that has yet to be solved, you CAN accomplish what is necessary.

How? All you need to know is that I will go before you, I am always with you, and I will never leave you. So you do not need to be afraid or discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Consider David. The whole Israeli army was afraid of the giant Goliath. But not David. He took one look at Goliath and said “I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands.” And that is exactly what happened. David was victorious when others were intimidated. He triumphed because he knew I, the Lord, was with him. (1 Samuel 17)

Now consider Joshua and Caleb. They were two of the 12 men sent to scout out the Promised Land. Ten of those 12 men reported that the men living there were stronger and bigger than the Israelites, and their cities were fortified and large. Caleb, however reported that “because the Lord is with us” we should not be afraid and “we should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” (Numbers 13 and 14)

I was pleased with Caleb’s spirit and attitude, for he was willing to obey Me and follow Me.  (Numbers 14:24) The ten men who shared a bad report about the land…..well, they died. Only Joshua and Caleb survived. (Numbers 14:36-38)

Caleb continued to have a “can do” spirit. At age 85, he was very willing to go in and possess the land. He knew I was helping him, and that gave him courage. (Joshua 14:6-15)

Finally, consider Noah. I asked him to build a very large boat because there was going to be a great flood upon the earth. Can you imagine the years it took him to accomplish that? And the ridicule he endured? It had never even rained before, and he was willing to believe Me and do what I asked him to do. Because of his obedience, he and his family survived the flood. (Genesis 6-8)

How about you? Do you have a “Can Do” spirit? Those who have made great discoveries or helped others have all had it.

And you should have that spirit too. You can accomplish anything that I put in your heart to do. Anything. Be assured that I go ahead of you, I am with you, and I will never leave you. (Deuteronomy 31:8) You can do all things because I will strengthen you for the task. (Philippians 4:13)

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A Light for Your Path

My Child~

I see that you are worried, concerned and confused.  You are wondering what is the best path to take; what is the best decision to make.

First, stop fretting and quiet yourself.  Sit still and think about the fact that I am the God of the universe and I am willing to help you. (Psalm 46:10)

Next, spend some time in My Word for it contains much wisdom. Read it and meditate on what it says during the day and think about it as you go to sleep at night.  Be diligent to do what it says, and you will be successful…..even prosperous! (Joshua 1:8)

Have courage! Try new things and step out of your comfort zone! Do not be afraid of what lies in front of you and do not be dismayed if situations don’t turn out exactly as you desire. Remember,  I am with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

If what concerns you isn’t directly addressed in My Word, then ask Me and I will guide you. (James 1:5-6) My Spirit lives within you and is always available to help you. (John 14:16-17)

What parent would leave their child without guidance? What parent would allow their child to run into the street? Fear not, for you are My Child. I am watching you and I will look out for you. If you are seeking Me and My ways, you won’t go wrong. I will always guide you and bring you back to the correct path if you make a detour. (Luke 15:3-6)

Bring Me your decisions, concerns and requests. Ask of Me and I will help you, guide you, and give you the comfort that you need.

Come now, it is time to move forward. I am shining the light on your path. Do you see it? (Psalm 119:105)

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