
Posts Tagged ‘Zephaniah’

Sunrise Whispers From the Father

Whispers From the Father

The Lord your God is with you.
He is mighty enough to save you.
He will take great delight in you.
The quietness of His love will calm you down.
He will sing with joy because of you.
                                            Zephaniah 3:17




My Child~

Can you take a moment and just let Me love you? I really want you to feel and experience My love.  That means you will need to slow down. You will need to quiet yourself. You will need to get rid of all distractions. And you will need to sit with Me.

Sit long enough to let Me hold you.

Just be quiet and let Me surround you with My love.

Can you feel it? Can you feel My love? Do you know that I take great delight in you? Yes, in you!

I love you My Child and I take great delight in you. I sing because of you!

Now linger with Me for just a little while longer. I want to love you some more. I want to calm you down with My love.

Please stay as long as you like. I’m in no hurry and I really like it when you are with Me.

When you must leave, know that I go with you. Look for Me in the white aspen trees against the deep blue sky, in the smile of a friend, in the love of others, and in the beauty of a sunrise or sunset.

I am always loving you My Child. Always.

And when you want to feel that love even more, come to Me. I am waiting and I am longing to share My love with you.

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Golden Aspens Whispers from the Father

Golden Aspens
Whispers from the Father

My Child~

I want you to delight yourself in Me. Do you know what delight means? It means to take great pleasure in or to have great pleasure.

Just as a little child delights in their mom or dad, the sunshine, the rain, a new toy or a pet, I want you to have that kind of delight in Me.

Why do I want that? Because if you delight yourself in Me, you will have the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)

I delight in giving you good things. But to have those good gifts, you must turn to Me, delight yourself in Me, follow Me.

Spend some time with Me and allow me to love you. I do love you, you know. In fact, I take great delight in you! (Zephaniah 3:17)

Lean back and rest in Me.  Know that I am caring for you. Read My Word, get to know Me, and allow Me to give you wisdom and direction for your life.

Allow the deep blue sky, the warm sunshine, and the fall leaves to fill your soul with awe and wonder. These are some of My gifts to you.

The pleasures that the world offers aren’t real and don’t last; so don’t waste your time chasing after them.

Chase after Me….delight yourself in Me….and you will begin to see and feel My gifts to you.

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My Child~

When you are upset due to a circumstance or person, take a few minutes and remove yourself either physically or mentally from the situation. Come to Me and let me clear your mind and calm your emotions.

Know that I am in sovereign control of all circumstances. (2 Chronicles 20:5-6) In the end, all things will work together for good.  (Romans 8:28) Be at rest knowing that I am very aware of what is happening to you and I will see you through the situation. (Isaiah 43:2)

If a person is causing you distress, take some time to calmly and lovingly ask him or her some questions. Seek to understand where they are coming from. As you seek to understand them, they may try to understand you. No matter how they treat you, do your best to live in peace with them. (Romans 12:18) Let your actions be motivated by love. Even if you don’t love them, or like how they treated you, they are My child, and I love them. I want you to show them love because all people need love. It is when they act poorly that they need My love the most.

My Child, I am with you at all times, especially when you are upset and hurting. Come and cry to Me. I see all your tears and they are precious to Me (Psalm 56:8).

I will calm you and give you My Peace. (Zephaniah 3:17, John 14:27)


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My Dear Child~

Do you know that I take great delight in you?  That I rejoice over you? That I sing songs over you? Just as you delight and take pride in your children, I delight in you.  (Zephaniah 3:17)

Sometimes your children mess up and do wrong.  As their parent, you love them and help them to do better.  That is how I am when you make mistakes.  I love you and I want to help you do better. I will forgive your sins and show you mercy, not anger.  I will throw your sins into the deep sea and will remember them no more.  (Micah 7:18-19)  Isn’t that wonderful?

Please don’t see Me as a scowling God in heaven ready to hit you over the head the moment you mess up.  Picture Me smiling, laughing, even singing over you. I delight in you, My Child.  Think about that until it is felt and known deep down inside of you.

Take joy and pride in who I created you to be.  There is no one exactly like you and you are My masterpiece.  (Psalm 139:13-16) Love and delight in yourself, as I love and delight in you.

Then, go out and show another person some love by delighting in them.  It will make their day, and yours too!

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