
Posts Tagged ‘God’s Guidance’

Maui Sunset

Maui Sunset

“If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”  Psalm 139:9-10

It is wonderful to know that God is always guiding us, no matter where we are or what we are facing.

A friend posted this verse on FaceBook while I was in Hawaii. I was facing a challenge at the time and as I woke that morning, I sensed God’s presence and guidance. When I read the verse later that morning which my friend had posted, it reaffirmed what I heard Him whisper to me. It really spoke to me due to “rising at dawn” and being “on the far side of the sea” because both pertained to me that day!

May you be assured too….God is guiding you and holding you close!


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Believe 2 December 2013 002It seems what we all want for the New Year is for things to be better. Better health, better job, better weather, better garden, better behaved kids, better behaved pets, better behaved spouse, better behaved self…..you name it, we want it to be better.

And it seems, that what keeps us going, is the faith, the hope, and the belief that things can get better.

This past Christmas Day was hard for me for various reasons. I was discouraged so I decided to take a walk. On that walk I passed a store that was open. I don’t normally go into stores (I dislike shopping) and it just seemed weird to go into a store on Christmas Day, but there was a friendly, beckoning air to this particular store so I went in.

The store seemed full of love and good cheer. A woman (who turned out to be the store owner) came over to see if I needed any assistance. As we began to talk, she sensed that I needed encouragement. She promptly encouraged me, prayed with me, hugged me and gave me the Believe ornament you see here.

Yes, the New Year will be better. How can we possibly have a bad year (or even a bad day) when God is right there for us? He sees our tears, our pain and our struggles. And when we are hurting He sends someone along to help us. In my case he sent Anita, who will forever be my Christmas Angel.

God is there for you too. He wants to love you and help you. He wants to encourage you, support you and guide you. He wants to be with you for every moment of 2014; and every moment in every year thereafter. Believe it; it’s true. (Isaiah 41:10, Matthew 28:18-20, Isaiah 30:18)

With love and hugs,


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2009 Leonid Meteor

2009 Leonid Meteor (Photo credit: Navicore)

While out driving early one morning, I saw a huge meteor streak across the sky right in front of me.  The song about the Wise Men came to my mind, for it was truly a “Star of Wonder” that appeared in front of me.  I learned later that it was the Geminid Meteor Shower that I been fortunate enough to see a part of.  If I had known it was going on, I would have gotten outside earlier!

The following devotion is what I heard God say to me as a result of that spectacular ball of light streaking across the sky.

I wish you all a blessed Christmas season!

My Dear Child~

I want you to know that I am always leading and guiding you. I know what you seek and I am lighting your path so you can find the way.

Remember the Wise Men and their desire to see The King? They studied the prophecies and were willing to make the long trek from their home to Jerusalem and then to Bethlehem. It took effort to study the prophecies and make the arduous journey from their home. You might imagine that their trip was full of unexpected troubles.

Likewise, your journey will take effort too and it may also be fraught with problems. That doesn’t mean I am not with you and guiding you. I am always guiding you, just as I guided the Wise Men with a star to where the Child was. (Matthew 2:1-12)

I never want you to lose heart, My Child. So when times are tough, look up to Me. You will find encouragement, and it just might come in the form of a star.

Photo Credit: Navicore

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Which Direction to Go? Whispers From the Father

Which Direction to Go?
Whispers From the Father

My Dear Child~

I know that you are wondering which path to take. I want to assure you that I go ahead of you and I will show you the way to go.  Just as I led the Israelites with a cloud in the day and a fire by night, I will lead you. (Deuteronomy 1:33)

Listen carefully to My voice and I will direct you. (Isaiah 30:19-21).

Don’t think, for even one moment, that I am unconcerned. My goal is to lead you safely through all of life’s challenges.  And, if necessary, I will even carry you. (Deuteronomy 1:31)

Do not be anxious, do not be concerned, just quiet yourself and listen. I will lead and guide you.

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Tina's Cocina June 2013 014

(click on photo for a better view of the birds)

My Child~

How I want to protect you! Like a mother bird who looks after her babies I want to gather you under my wings so you can feel My love, comfort and protection. I want to shelter you from all harm and danger.  (Matthew 23:37) Let Me be your protection! Let Me be your shelter and your provider!

As you looked in on the babies in their nest you saw how vulnerable they were. You are vulnerable too, My Child. Without Me to guide and protect you, you can find yourself in all kinds of danger.

Did you hear the mother bird chirping loudly as you looked in her nest? She was sounding the alarm that danger was near. She was concerned for her babies. The same is true of our relationship. When I see danger approaching you, or you getting too close to things that could hurt you, I sound the alarm. You may hear Me in the small voice inside of you. You may hear My advice through the words of a friend, the words of a song, a pastor, or through My Word, the Bible. Listen to Me! I am guiding you for your good!

My Child, I care for you just as a mother bird cares for her babies. I love you so very much. Never forget that. And even if you can’t see or feel me, like the baby birds whose mother is out looking for food, you can hear My voice. For I am with you always. (Isaiah 41:10, Deuteronomy 31:6)

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